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Large Events (Weddings,
Mile Stones)

For large events, such as weddings or mile-stone birthdays and events, you will be booking the meadow under our Large Events category.


This category is based on the assumption that organisers will be booking additional third party facilities such as large tipis or marquees, toilets or washrooms and third-party businesses such as a mobile bar, caterers and a band or DJ.


Our limit for guests is capped at 80 people on site, but we can also offer camping space for up to thirty guests for the duration of your stay.



What makes our site so special is the natural environment and beautiful surroundings for your celebration.


Our usual site facilities will be moved in order to be less conspicuous and you will have plenty of space to raise whatever coverage or amenities you have planned and prepared. We're happy to help with timings and liaise with providers to make sure everything goes smoothly.


We can help you plan the schedule for the day and will be happy to open the site for a practice before the event begins.


We will assist in your application to the council for a Temporary Events Notice, but you as the organiser and booking holder of the event assume liability for all guest safety and behaviour and third-party bookings you make.


As a part of this booking, a member of staff will be staying on-site nearby throughout your event, and can assist in different ways as needed and to ensure that your guests use the site appropriately.

Site Rules

As a large party booking means that there will be many people in the meadow, it will be essential to have an in-depth discussion about how to keep all guests safe and make sure your day runs perfectly smoothly. Third-party providers will also need to have contact details passed to us to ensure that insurance and liability considerations are satisfied.


If you have guests staying over, the usual campsite rules apply, designed to preserve your wellbeing, as well as the health of the site itself. Most of our rules are common sense but the main ones include:


  • No guest will leave any boundary of the meadow.

  • No fires to be set anywhere in the meadow unless by agreement.

  • Entering the water is entirely at the guests risk.

  • Do not climb the trees.

  • No cutting or burning of any material taken from the land, including naturally fallen wood.

  • Children must always be in view of an adult.

  • Observe a 5mph driving speed limit on site.

  • No guests other than those in the designated party.

  • Responsible consumption of alcohol.

  • Drug use is not tolerated.


We reserve the right to remove guests at our discretion if we have reason to believe any guest is either putting themselves, others, or the site itself at risk.


A full list of rules will be provided on enquiry.

Prices, Payment and Arrival

Bookings are charged at £600 per day (24 hour period with consideration for check in and check out times), or £2500 for a five day booking period. This means that if you have a weekend wedding, your third party bookings will need to plan when they leave and liaise with us.


Deposit is taken either by phone or direct transfer on booking, at 50% of the total booking value (non-refundable if the booking is within 8 weeks, unless due cancellation on our side). A list of guest names will also be taken and the gender ratio (not asked of children). On arrival, the person who made the booking will confirm the complete list of names and pay the total price of the booking. We will hold the deposit till check-out. 


The arrival and location details will be shared once booking is completed.

Contact Section
Contact Section

Get Your Event Started

We're excited invite you into the meadow. Contact us with the dates you're interested in using the site, and what kind of event you're intending to hold. We will get back to you to arrange a booking deposit and arrival plans.


If you would like to visit for a look around, please do get in touch also.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank You! Let's Get Planning.

All images used are the property of our guests and clients with use by agreement. Copyright Oak Grove Meadow, 2023.

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